Amphibians of Egypt: a troubled resource
Amphibians in Egypt are represented by only nine species. Some species (Amietophrynus regularis, Bufotes boulengeri, Ptychadena mascareniensis, and Pelophylax bedriagae) are well-known and common. Distributions of Duttaphrynus dodsoni and Hyla savignyi are limited, Amietophrynus kassasii is common and restricted while Ptychadena schillukorum appears uncommon and localized. Egyptian amphibians are, in part, poorly studied; some are threatened, others have declined or disappeared at various localities. Over-harvesting, habitat destruction, predation, overuse of pesticides, and road-kills are main causes of population decline. In 2010 the Egyptian government issued a resolution prohibiting exportation of Pelophylax bedriagae taken from natural habitats for three years – at least – to allow rehabilitation of populations; the local CITES committee had previously issued a similar declaration in 2009. Limitation of quantities of Amietophrynus regularis used for dissection in Egyptian universities and scientific agencies was also requested by the Secretary of the Egyptian Environment. These decrees and declarations seem to have been successful during the past few years.
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